Accounting Services

Accurate financial reporting, leading to better financial management, is an essential of any business .At SES we can assist you to prepare financial statements and other financial reporting documents that are tailored to your individual business and circumstances. Financial statements are not only necessary for your income tax, but are essential when dealing with banks and lending institutions and for regular monitoring of your performance. Managing your company’s funds requires a great deal of planning to make sure everything falls within your budget. This also calls for in-depth Knowledge of accounting and tax planning. so you can maintain a proper financial plan for your business. this is where our professionals set in to help. Our office is home to a team of experienced accountants providing effective strategies sound advice ,and professional support .we take away the stress of handling financial reports and tax planning .So You can stay focused on other important aspects of your business Providing Some of the accounting services we offer include : Financial statements and financial reporting- in compliance with relevant accounting standards. Management accounting / Management reporting-system and reporting tailored to your business and requirements. Budgeting and forecasting –both on an annual and project basis if required. Accounting advices and assistance –choose the best solution for your business. Company secretarial services-take the hassle out of SES compliance for your company Feasibility Study. Setting up accounting system.